Mercedes-Benz Club España

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Mercedes-Benz Club España

Where are we?

From March 2013, Mercedes-Benz Club has got new headquarters in Barcelona. The new address is 117 Paseo de gracia Street, between Calabria and Rocafort streets. It’s on the ground floor and has got vehicle entrance.

The headquarters have approximately 900 square meters, which are distributed as it follows: road access, member service office, toilets, parking lot (29 parking spaces) for MB members (hired service), living room of 70 square meters with air conditioning and heater, Home Cinema TV room (Samsung 60″), billiard table (carom billiards), coffee maker, fridge, water dispenser (self-service) and cafeteria-snack service, where you can have a drink or even have dinner in the usual camaraderie atmosphere.

Means of contact with the Club:
By email :
By phone : at 93 218 52 40 in the mornings from Monday to Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m..
In the afternoons on the mobile: 616 75 92 02 from 4 to 7 p.m..
For personal visits: Please make an appointment.

The members from Centre Zone develop their activity in the facilities in Cercedilla (carport) and they meet for lunch on the first Friday (non holiday) of the month.

In the near future, the board of directors has in mind creating similar headquarters in Madrid to those in Barcelona.

Mercedes-Benz Club España

Contact us


Madrid local office